
Not recommended for production usage!

The API is currently not meant for public usage. There are no API keys available and endpoints might change unexpectedly with the release of a new version.

Use the API to add links to your WebCrate instance or to interact with existing ones.

Links can be accessed with the API under /api/link.

You can add new link by sending a POST request with the URL you want to add:



      "url": ""
      "status": 200,
      "message": "ok",
      "data": {
          "id": "8N5f1z8rBWussD7G",
          "url": "",
          "crate": "null",
          "meta": {
              "icon": "",
              "title": "Pied Piper"
          "redirect": {
              "enabled": false
          "addedWith": "web",
          "addedAt": "2021-08-03T12:55:37.245Z"

To a crate

By default all links will be added to the inbox. You can also specify the ID of a crate to add the link directly to it:



      "url": "",
      "crate": "id"
      "status": 200,
      "message": "ok",
      "data": {
          "id": "8N5f1z8rBWussD7G",
          "url": "",
          "crate": "id",
          "meta": {
              "icon": "",
              "title": "Pied Piper"
          "redirect": {
              "enabled": false
          "addedWith": "web",
          "addedAt": "2021-08-03T12:55:37.245Z"

Use the GET method to retrieve one or more links. For multiple links, the data key holds an array of link objects ordered by when they were added, with the newest at the top.

A single link object will be in the following format:

    "id": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
    "url": "",
    "crate": "YndwZAUFgYuFkNMI",
    "meta": {
        "icon": "",
        "title": "Pied Piper",
        "description": "Over the years, Pied Piper has changed many landscapes. Compression. Data. The Internet."
    "redirect": {
        "enabled": false
    "addedWith": "web",
    "addedAt": "2021-08-03T12:57:34.221Z"

Send a GET request to the link endpoint to get all links:

      "status": 200,
      "message": "ok",
      "last": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
      "data": [
              "id": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
              "url": "",
              "crate": "null",
              "meta": {
                  "icon": "",
                  "title": "Pied Piper"
              "redirect": {
                  "enabled": false
              "addedWith": "web",
              "addedAt": "2021-08-03T12:57:34.221Z"

By default links are paginated and limited to 20 links per page. Use the pagination parameters to control this and get the next page of links.

By id

You can also get an individual link by specifying it's id as the url parameter e.g. /api/link/:id

      "status": 200,
      "message": "ok",
      "data": {
          "id": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
          "url": "",
          "crate": "null",
          "meta": {
              "icon": "",
              "title": "Pied Piper"
          "redirect": {
              "enabled": false
          "addedWith": "web",
          "addedAt": "2021-08-03T12:57:34.221Z"

By crate

You can also get all links belonging to a crate by specifing the crate's id as the crate query parameter e.g. /api/link?crate=id:

      "status": 200,
      "message": "ok",
      "last": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
      "data": [
              "id": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
              "url": "",
              "crate": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
              "meta": {
                  "icon": "",
                  "title": "Pied Piper"
              "redirect": {
                  "enabled": false
              "addedWith": "web",
              "addedAt": "2021-08-03T12:57:34.221Z"

For more ways to filter for links and crates check out the search endpoint!

You can modify/change a link using the PUT method. You can only modify a single link at once and need to specify it's id as the url parameter e.g. /api/link/:id.

You need to provide a object which describes the updates as the request body:

    "crate": "id"

Nested properties like meta and redirect need to be accessed using the dot-notation e.g. meta.title



      "crate": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
      "redirect.shortCode": "piper",
      "redirect.enabled": true,
      "meta.title": "Piedpiper",
      "meta.description": "Piedpiper is cool"
      "status": 200,
      "message": "ok",
      "data": {
          "id": "8N5f1z8rBWussD7G",
          "url": "",
          "crate": "a5UCD31aX95JI1iR",
          "meta": {
              "icon": "",
              "title": "Piedpiper",
              "description": "Piedpiper is cool"
          "redirect": {
              "enabled": true,
              "shortCode": "piper"
          "addedWith": "web",
          "addedAt": "2021-08-03T12:55:37.245Z"

If you want to delete a link, use the DELETE method and specify it's id as the url parameter e.g. /api/link/:id:

      "status": 200,
      "message": "ok"
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Fri, Oct 25, 2024